Industrial Commodity Statistics

0. Registration entry for subjects

0.1 Name

Industrial Commodity Statistics

0.2 Subject area


0.3 Responsible authority; office, division, person etc.

Sverrir Ingi Ármansson
Statistics Iceland
Business trends and structure
Tel: 528 1274

0.4 Purpose and history

The purpose of the survey is to describe the Icelandic manufacturing production broken down by commodities.

Statistics Iceland has collected data on manufacturing production from the year 1953. In 1996 the data collection was amended in order to fulfil Council Regulation 3924/91 on the establishment of a Community survey of industrial production (PRODCOM Regulation). Thus, from 1996 and onwards the data collection has been based on the annual PRODCOM list, as stipulated in the PRODCOM Regulation.

0.5 Users and application

The findings have a great variety of applications:
  • The data is used for purposes of national accounts
  • Industry federations make use of the findings to assess position and prospects of the respective industries
  • Enterprises use the findings to assess their own position and prospects
  • The findings can be compared with findings in other EEA countries

0.6 Sources

The statistics are based on data collected with questionnaires. The population is defined on the basis of a business register maintained by Statistics Iceland.

0.7 Legal basis for official statistics

Statistics collected, generated and disseminated by Statistics Iceland are governed by the Regulation on the Central Government Administration No. 3/2004, the legislation on Statistics Iceland No. 24/1913 and the Statistics Act No.29/1895.

According to the legislation, Statistics Iceland is charged with the responsibility of collecting data, generating statistics and publishing its findings without any limitations as to methods, subjects or timing. This is, and has always been, interpreted to entail complete freedom of choice in this respect.

0.8 Response burden

Response burden on enterprises has not been estimated.

0.9 EEA and EU obligations

Data collection on industrial production is based on Council Regulation No 3924/91 of 19 December 1991 on the establishment of a Community survey of industrial production.

1. Contents

1.1 Description of content

The statistics describe manufacturers´ sales of commodities measured in volume and value.

The methodological foundation for data collection and data processing is the annual PRODCOM-list, which is agreed by Member States each year and issued by Eurostat. The PRODCOM-list is used by all Member States of the EEA and the findings therefore can be compared with other countries as well as with the EEA total.
For most commodities data are recorded on volume and value of sold production, but for few commodities data are recorded on total production or production intended for sale (quantity and value). Production covers both produced goods and services (such as repairs and maintenance).
In principle, the findings give information on total value of sold production and total quantity and value for each commodity identified by the PRODCOM-list. However, due to the modest number of industrial enterprises in Iceland, the data on individual commodities made public is restricted in order to prevent disclosure of confidential data.

1.2 Statistical concepts

The survey population covers manufacturing enterprises with annual turnover of 30 million ISK or more, as well as non-manufacturing enterprises with manufacturing activities with annual turnover of 30 million ISK.

The total turnover is divided into different kind of sales:

Sales of own commodities
is the production carried out at some time and which has been sold (invoiced) during the reference period. The value should be specified at ex-works selling price including packaging costs (even if they are charged seperately) but excluding any turnover tax and consumer tax charged and separately charged freight costs. Trade within enterprises between departments is not to be included as sold production.

Industrial services covers treatment, repairs and maintenance and assembly work sold to other enterprises. Repairs and maintenance of motor vehicles and objects intended for private- and domestic use are not to be considered. Only the value of maintenance and repair work should be recorded, where the value is to be recorded as the costs actually charged. Maintenance and repair work on the undertakings own plant and equipment should not be recorded.

Paid work (contract work)
performed by other enterprises, where the other enterprise owns the raw materials etc.

Commercial turnover or resale turnover accounts for sales of commodities not manufactured by the enterprise, whether in wholesale or retail sale. Sale of commodities produced by another enterprise by contract is also considered as commercial sale.

Other turnover includes all other turnover not specified above, such as income from licenses, commissions etc.

Total industrial turnover consist of sales of own commodities, sold industrial services and paid contracted work. Total turnover for each enterprise constist of total industrial turnover, commercial turnover and other turnover.

2. Time

2.1 Reference periods

Data is collected once a year with reference period being the previous calender year.

2.2 Process time

Forms are sent to enterprises in February with two weeks deadline. Process time is dependent on the claims of filled out forms. In general the stategy is to publish findings within 6 months after the end of the reference year.

2.3 Punctuality

The aim is to publish findings within 6 months after the end of the reference year.

2.4 Frequency of releases

The PRODCOM-statistics are published once a year.

3. Reliability and security

3.1 Accuracy and reliability

The enterprises surveyed are estimated to account for 97,5% af total manufacturing turnover.

3.2 Sources of errors

Data is collected from approximately 600 enterprises, representing enterprises with annual turnover of 30 million ISK or more. The population is derived from the Business Register maintained by Statistics Iceland as well as VAT-data and PAYE-data aquired from The Director of Internal Revenue.

In terms of turnover, the average response rate in recent year has been in the vicinity of 85%. Data are imputed in replacement of non-response.

The collected data is subject to different manual and computerized controls. The manual controls concern the formal content of the questionnaire, such as reporting units' name, address etc. The computerized controls consist of a series of logical controls.

3.3 Measures on confidence limits/accuracy

Figures on the statistical uncertainty are not estimated.

4. Comparison

4.1 Comparison between periods

The methodological foundation for data collection and data processing is the annual PRODCOM-list, wich is agreed by Member States each year and issued by Eurostat. Given that the PRODCOM-list does not change between periods the statistics can be compared over time.

4.2 Comparison with other statistics

The PRODCOM-list is used by all Member States of the EEA and therefore the findings can be compared between countries as well as with the EEA total.

Taking into account differences in the defined statistical terminology, it is possible to compare the findings with other statistics, such as VAT statistics, External trade statistics and Financial accounts of enterprises.

4.3 Coherence between preliminary and final statistics

In principle, all published data are final statistics.

5. Access to information

5.1 Forms of dissemination

The industrial commodity statistics is published on Statistics Iceland website

5.2 Basic data; storage and usability

Information on filled out questionnaires are entered into a database in Statistics Icelands' computer system. Other data than published data are not obtainable from Statistics Iceland.

5.3 Reports

There are no other reports.

5.4 Other information

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