The preliminary annual national accounts for 2017 show a 3.6% increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in real terms. Household final consumption increased by 7.8% and government final consumption by 2.6% while investment increased by 9.3%. Since 2008, GDP has increased by 15.3%.
Export increased by 4.8% in real terms, while import increased by 11.9% in 2017. Despite a large foreign trade surplus, a higher growth in imports compared with exports contributed to a decreased growth in GDP.
Investment growth was 9.3% in 2017 compared with 22.5% in 2016. There was an increase of 4.3% in the business sector and a 21.6% increase in residential construction. Investment growth in public works amounted to 23.4% which is a considerable growth compared with previous years. The share of investment was 22.1% of GDP in 2017 which is close to the historical average. The average share for the period 1980–2016 was 21.3%.
In 2017 government final consumption amounted to 23.3% of GDP, compared with 22.8% in 2016. From 1997 government final consumption amounted to 23.4% of GDP on average.
Gross Domestic Product 2017 - Statistical Series
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