Social media was used by 79% of enterprises* in Iceland in 2017, which is the highest percentage for a European country. The average enterprises’* use of social media in the European Union  is 47%. Social media is categorised by type and in Iceland 77% of enterprises used social networks, 17% used multimedia content sharing websites, 16% used blogs/microblogs and 3% used wiki based knowledge sharing tools. Around 82% of enterprises in Iceland have a website and 63% have their own website as well as using social media tools.

Results for Iceland were published on the Statistics Iceland’s website in November, but Eurostat has now released its statistics for all the countries who took part in the survey last year. A table on enterprises’ websites and their use of social media can be found on the Statistics Iceland’ website, along with a link to the Eurostat tables .

*Excluded are enterprises in the following activity classes (with reference to the NACE rev. 2 classification system): Agriculture, forestry and fishing (NACE 01-03), Mining and quarrying (NACE 05-09), Public administration and defence; compulsory social security (NACE 84), Education (NACE 85), Human health activities (NACE 86), Residential care and social work activities without accommodation (NACE 87-88), Other service activities (94-96).


Further Information

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