Quality Policy of Statistics Iceland

Statistics Iceland is a professionally independent institution which develops, produces and disseminates statistics about society. Statistics Iceland’s policy is to work according to sound methodology and appropriate statistical procedures and with impartiality, objectivity and statistical confidentiality. The statistics are accurate and reliable, coherent and comparable.

The statistics are according to users’ needs, released in a timely and punctual manner and presented in a clear and understandable form.
In order to realise this, Statistics Iceland‘s professional independence is  specified in law and it is ensured that staff has adequate training and experience to meet current statistical needs.

Statistics Iceland is responsible for official statistics in Iceland and needs to ensure that statistics are internally coherent and comparable, processing of data collecting is simplified, business and administrative sources used when possible with a sound methodology to avoid excessive burden on respondents.

Statistics Iceland puts emphasis on good service, efficiency and cost effectiveness to meet increasing domestic and international demands. Statistics Iceland takes part in international cooperation and is fully compliant with the demands of the European Statistical System.

Statistics Iceland operates within well-designed processes and according to plan. Quality indicators and other important factors regarding the operation and its outputs are well defined and results are checked accordingly. If quality indicators are not met changes will be carried out and improvements made on processes and procedures.

The quality system of Statistics Iceland is based on the 15 principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice (CoP) published by the European Statistical System (ESS):

1. Professional independence
2. Mandate for data collection
3. Adequacy of resources
4. Commitment to quality
5. Statistical confidentiality
6. Impartiality and objectivity
7. Sound methodology
8. Appropriate statistical procedures
9. Non-excessive burden on respondents
10. Cost effectiveness
11. Relevance
12. Accuracy and reliability
13. Timeliness and punctuality
14. Coherence and comparability
15. Accessibility and clarity