Statistics Iceland is the centre of official statistics in Iceland and plays a leading role in the production of reliable statistics with an emphasis on security in the handling of confidential information. Emphasis is also placed on reaching users and fulfilling their needs for information.

The main objective is that information is easy to access and easy to understand. Statistics Iceland emphasises quality according to the principles of the European Code of Practice and putting information into context to increase its value to users.

Access to and use of information
Statistics Iceland emphasises that users are able to obtain information in a simple way using the best available tools and media at any given time. The Statistics Iceland website is the institution's main means of communication.

Publications of Statistics Iceland are available to users free of charge except in the case of special processing in accordance with institution’s price list and printed material. Everyone is authorised to use Statistics Iceland's material, but citations are required.

Access for researchers
A distinction is made between communication with users of information and access for researchers, i.e. universities and other microdata analysts. Statistics Iceland’s research service provides authorised researchers with secure access to microdata through the institution’s electronic research environment which is a subject to strict security and confidentiality rules.

Various publications
Statistics Iceland prepares a release calendar for one year at a time. The program covers all the institution’s main publications. In addition, Statistics Iceland publishes news on current affairs and research to respond to the increasing needs of users.

Publications are made available to all users simultaneously. Emphasis is placed on concise and graphical presentation of data.

Clear communication
Statistics Iceland's staff puts an emphasis on professionalism, confidentiality and customer service in all communication. Formal communication with the media must always be in consultation with the director of the department in question or the Director of Statistics Iceland. The Director of Statistics Iceland decides who represents the institution publicly.

The communication policy takes into account the values and policies of Statistics Iceland.