According to laws on upper secondary schools the annual school period for students should not be shorter than 9 months; thereof should teaching days not be fewer than 145. According to information from the upper secondary schools there were between 140 and 155 full-time teaching days during the school year 2005-2006. The average number of full-time teaching days was 146, which is the same as the previous school year. In addition the number of other teaching days was between 0 and 7 (with one exception), or 2 on the average. On average there were 2 more full-time teaching days for pupils in the spring than in the autumn semester.
Between 20 and 36 days were only used for examination and assessment in the upper secondary schools. The two schools teaching home economics stand out with fewer days used for exams, since in these schools exams and assessment often take place during teaching days. In other schools at least 22 days are used for examinations and assessment. On average 26 days were used for examinations and assessment, which is 1 day less than during the previous school year. In some cases students in the last year in schools using a grade system get fewer full-time teaching days than younger students but more examination days instead.
A clause in a regulation on the operation of upper secondary schools states that the number of teaching and examination days should not be fewer than 175. In 13 schools there were fewer than 175 teaching and examination days, but 12 schools in the previous school year.
Teachers’ wage contracts presume a total of 175 teaching and examination days during the school year, and 4 additional working days annually. The total number of teachers’ working days in 2006-2007 turned out to be between 175 and 187. The average number of all teachers’ working days was 180, the same as last year. Thereof 177 days, on average, were during the annual school period.
According to information from the schools 6 schools operate according to a grade system and 28 schools have a unit-credit system.
The data collection indicates that 17 upper secondary schools have a special education department.
Information on the number of teaching days, examination days and other teachers’ working days was obtained from 34 upper secondary schools. Two schools, Menntaskólinn Hraðbraut and Snyrtiskólinn operate according to a three semester system and are not included in the averages above.