General elections to the Icelandic parliament, Althingi, were held on 12 May 2007 under the general elections Act from May 2000. There are now six constituencies of which two are in Reykjavík. The total number of voters on the electoral roll was 221,330 or 71.1% of the total population. Participation of voters in the general elections was 185,071 or 83.6% of the total number of voters on the electoral roll.
Participation of female voters was slightly higher than that of male voters or 83.9% women compared with 83.3% men. A total of six political organisations offered candidate lists in the elections in all the constituencies. Of the 756 candidates, there were 399 men (52.8%) compared with 357 women (47.2%). In the 1st to 3rd place on the lists the proportion of women was 43.5%. The proportion of elected female members was lower or 31.7%.
A total of 63 members were elected to Althingi in the general elections on 12 May 2007, 43 men and 20 women, one more woman than in the elections in 2003. Other results of the general elections were as follows: the Progressive Party received 11.7% of votes and 7 elected members to the Althingi, the Independence Party 36.6% of votes and 25 elected members, the Liberal Party 7.3% and 4 elected members, the Social Democratic Alliance 26.8% and 18 elected members, the Left-Green Movement 14.3% and 9 elected members, The Icelandic Movement received 3.3% of valid votes but no elected members.
General elections to the Althingi 12 May 2007 - Statistical Series
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