A referendum was held in Iceland 9 April 2011. Matters regarding the eligibility to vote and the electoral register were resolved in the same manner as in the parliamentary general elections to the Althingi. The majority of valid votes in the whole country should determine the result of the referendum.
The total number of voters on the electoral roll was 232.460 or 72.9% of the total population. Participation of voters in the referendum was 175,114 or 75.3%. Participation of male voters was 75.4% and 75.3% of female voters.
In the last referendum on 6 March 2010 the participation was 62.7%. In other six referenda that had taken place in Iceland during the period 1908–1944 the participation was between 44% and 98%.
The referendum was to conclude if Act No. 13/2011 should remain in force or become void. The Act provides for authorisation to the Minister of Finance to approve the agreements which were signed in London on 8 December 2010 on guarantees for reimbursement by the Depositors' and Investors' Guarantee Fund of Iceland to the governments of the UK and the Netherlands of the cost of minimum insurance to the holders of deposits in the branches of Landsbanki Íslands hf. in the UK and the Netherlands and the payment of the instalments and interest on those obligations. The Althingi passed Act No. 13/2011 on 16 February 2011 but the president of Iceland withheld his approval of it.
Two possible options were given on the ballot paper, i.e. “Yes, it should remain in force” and “No, it should not remain in force”.
In the referendum the majority voted „no” or 103,207 and 69,462 voted „yes“. Thus Act No. 13/2011 became void by 59.8% of valid votes. The number of blank ballots was 2,039 and void ballots were 406.
Referendum 9 April 2011 - Statistical Series