There were 2,168 new registrations of private limited companies in October 2016. New registrations increased by 18% over the last 12 months, from November 2015 to October 2016, compared to the prior 12 months. There were 2,679 new registrations during the period, compared with 2,263 in the previous 12 months. The greatest proportional increase in new registrations was in Administrative and support service activities, from 162 to 262, or a 62% increase from the previous 12 months. Also of note is an increase from 42 to 62 in Transportation and storage (48%), and an increase from 266 to 361 in Construction (36%). There was a 5% decrease in new registrations during the period in Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (from 284 to 269).

There were 98 corporate insolvencies registered in October 2016. Corporate insolvencies increased by 41% over the last 12 months, from November 2015 to October 2016, compared to the prior 12 months. There were 940 corporate insolvencies during the period, compared with 666 in the previous 12 months. The greatest proportional increase in insolvencies during the period was from 39 to 79 in Financial and insurance activities (103%); in Information and communication, from 31 to 58 (87%); in Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, from 109 to 195 (79%); and in Professional, scientific and technical activities, from 54 to 88 (63%). The number of insolvencies was close to staying the same for Accommodation and food service activities, where it went from 55 to 54 (2% decrease), and in Agriculture, forestry and fishing (26 insolvencies during each period).

New registration and insolvencies
  October   November–October  
  2016 2015 % 2015–2016 2014–2015 %
New registration            
Total 168 178 -6 2,679 2,263 18
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 7 4 75 98 83 18
C Manufacturing 3 5 -40 100 93 8
F Construction 22 14 57 361 266 36
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 19 22 -14 269 284 -5
H Transportation and storage 3 6 -50 62 42 48
I Accommodation and food service activities 14 14 0 174 161 8
J Information and communication 12 6 100 197 165 19
K Financial and insurance activities 27 38 -29 373 336 11
L Real estate activities 20 31 -35 402 330 22
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 13 16 -19 236 212 11
N Administrative and support service activities 20 7 186 262 162 62
Other activities 8 15 -47 145 129 12
Total 98 39 151 940 666 41
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 5 3 67 26 26 0
C Manufacturing 8 4 100 54 45 20
F Construction 19 6 217 168 130 29
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 10 5 100 195 109 79
H Transportation and storage 0 1 -100 22 20 10
I Accommodation and food service activities 5 3 67 54 55 -2
J Information and communication 3 1 200 58 31 87
K Financial and insurance activities 10 2 400 79 39 103
L Real estate activities 15 3 400 89 87 2
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 8 4 100 88 54 63
N Adminstrative and support service activities 10 3 233 51 33 55
Other activities 5 4 25 56 37 51

  New registration


Further Information

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