In 2017 there were over 30 thousand active enterprises with more than 134 thousand employees. Turnover for these enterprises was 4,000 billion ISK. There were 28 thousand enterprises with less than 10 employees (94% of total). These enterprises had nearly 38 thousand employees (28%), turnover was 908 billion ISK (16%) and gross operating surplus was 188 billion ISK (38%). In comparison there were only 179 enterprises with 100 employees or more. They employed 51 thousand employees (38%), had a turnover of 1,800 billion ISK (45%) and a net turnover of 210 billion ISK (43%).

The statistics are based on a standardized methodology and is comparable with structural business statistics in other European countries. It is based on yearly enterprise tax returns and covers the business sector with the addition of fisheries and aquaculture from 2008-2017. The data is broken down by NACE classification and the number of employees.

Further information on variable definitions can be found in the commission regulation (EC) No 250/2009.

Turnover by industries 2017
Persons employed
Total business economy including fisheries and excluding financial and insurance activities383,017 245,218 280,357 940,830 376,919 1,799,411 4,025,752
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles56,317 84,155 115,293 371,112 146,105 465,916 1,238,897
Manufacturing except fish processing18,253 14,216 21,482 109,190 60,808 411,417 635,367
Tourism industries48,859 25,225 30,529 147,364 37,082 301,385 590,443
Transportation and storage46,345 8,929 8,873 50,070 21,319 317,583 453,119
Construction, mining and quarrying64,098 43,031 48,215 101,273 28,831 49,596 335,044
High technology manufacturing and services25,949 13,642 10,744 52,259 22,357 176,222 301,173
Fisheries11,114 8,341 12,104 55,416 22,263 168,432 277,671
Transport33,712 1,897 2,187 18,627 7,139 203,693 267,256
Administrative and support service activities28,225 17,605 19,470 64,223 11,545 71,550 212,618
High technology services16,332 11,269 7,649 32,280 16,897 125,820 210,246
Information and communication21,723 11,448 8,675 35,328 15,879 105,476 198,528
Accommodation and food service activities6,879 12,243 15,472 80,883 22,858 52,091 190,427
Electricity,gas, steam and air conditioning supply, water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities4,033 2,448 602 13,027 30,052 112,297 162,460
Professional, scientific and technical activities33,122 21,073 15,735 35,947 12,402 37,085 155,365
Number of persons employed by industries 2017
Persons employed
Total business economy including fisheries and excluding financial and insurance activities16,450 10,332 11,122 32,783 12,362 51,068 134,117
Tourism industries1,830 1,376 1,955 9,327 2,658 10,799 27,945
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles1,601 2,168 2,597 6,337 2,557 10,157 25,417
Manufacturing except fish processing864 771 1,122 4,394 2,352 7,774 17,277
Accommodation and food service activities750 889 1,416 7,487 2,033 4,521 17,096
Construction, mining and quarrying3,192 2,215 2,282 4,135 963 1,570 14,357
Transportation and storage1,420 372 341 1,440 709 9,898 14,180
High technology manufacturing and services1,096 667 680 2,316 1,098 6,799 12,656
Administrative and support service activities1,164 787 877 2,536 719 5,031 11,114
High technology services992 557 528 1,654 843 5,531 10,105
Professional, scientific and technical activities3,315 1,196 963 1,929 695 1,837 9,935
Fisheries757 354 447 1,808 928 4,822 9,116
Information and communication1,372 577 473 1,671 902 3,760 8,755
Transport785 107 102 529 328 4,378 6,229
Electricity,gas, steam and air conditioning supply, water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities25 41 36 300 361 1,594 2,357


Further Information

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