According to VAT-reports, turnover increased in May-June 2021 when compared with the same period in 2020. In the spring of 2020, there were many restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic and therefore it is relevant to compare turnover in the spring of 2021 with turnover in the spring of 2019, i.e. before the pandemic.

When comparing May-June 2021 with the same period in 2019, VAT-turnover increased in production, fisheries, and most activities in retail and wholesale trade. During the same period, the average exchange rate (trade weighted index) increased by 5%. VAT-turnover decreased in all activities related to tourism.

Turnover according to VAT-reports (billion ISK)
  May-June 2019 Mary-June 2020 May-June 2021 Change 2019-2020, % Change 2020-2021, % Change 2019-2021, %
Total excluding the pharmaceutical industry,¹ agriculture and forestry² 810.8 698.4 834.0 -14 19 3
Agriculture and forestry² .. .. .. .. .. ..
A-03/C-102 Fishing, aquaculture and fish processing 66.5 66.2 75.6 0 14 14
C-24 Manufacture of basic metals 39.2 34.4 52.5 -12 53 34
C Manufacturing; excluding fish processing,pharmaceutical industry and manufacture of basic metals 77.0 75.8 86.8 -1 14 13
D/E Electricity, gas;water supply; sewerage and waste management 31.5 31.7 34.9 1 10 11
F/B Construction, mining and quarrying 63.1 57.3 63.7 -9 11 1
G-45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 30.1 25.3 38.5 -16 53 28
G-46171/G-46172/G-46381 Wholesale of fish and fish markets 42.2 36.7 45.7 -13 25 8
G-4671 Wholesale of fuels 28.0 18.1 23.2 -35 28 -17
G-46 Other wholesale 65.1 67.4 77.7 4 15 19
G-47 Retail trade 84.9 93.4 102.9 10 10 21
H Transportation and storage 76.4 39.6 47.4 -48 20 -38
I55 Accommodation 18.5 3.8 8.6 -80 126 -54
I56 Food and beverage service activities 17.7 12.8 16.7 -27 30 -6
J Information and communication 42.4 42.1 44.5 -1 6 5
N-7711 Renting and leasing of cars and light motor vehicles 9.9 5.1 6.6 -49 30 -33
N-79 Travel agencies, tour operator reservation service and related activities 18.0 1.2 6.3 -93 439 -65
Foreign enterprices liable to VAT in Iceland 3.7 2.5 14.4 -32 476 291
Other fields of activity 79.3 66.5 82.9 -16 25 5
¹ For the time being, VAT-turnover is published excluding the pharmaceutical industry. Data validation is ongoing.
² Many farmers report VAT biannually, in accordance with paragraph 31 of the VAT-laws, and have longer reporting deadlines. Reliable data on VAT-turnover during the first half of 2021 in agriculture are not yet available.

Revision of statistics
At the time of our press release 9 July, the VAT-turnover excluding the pharmaceutical industry, in January to February 2021 was estimated 775.1 billion ISK which was an increase of 17.8% compared with the same period in 2020. At present, more data are available and the turnover is estimated 775.4 billion ISK, an increase of 17.9%.

Other statistics on business economy
Statistics Iceland publishes annual income and balance statements of enterprises by activity, based on tax returns, providing a detailed picture of the individual sectors.

The tourism industry
All economic activities

Further Information

For further information please contact 528 1100 , email


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