Export of services for the fourth quarter of 2014, according to preliminary figures, was 110,899 million ISK and the import of services 99,118 million ISK. Therefore, the services trade surplus in the fourth quarter of 2014 was 11,780 million ISK but the surplus in the fourth quarter of 2013 was 18,877 million ISK at current exchange rates.

Transport was the largest category within export of services and the surplus of transport was 23,171 million ISK. Other business service was the largest category within imports of services and the deficit was 17,325 million ISK. The deficit of travel services was 4,503 million ISK.

According to preliminary figures, the export of services for the year 2014 was 499,168 million ISK but the import of services 360,353 million ISK. The services trade surplus was therefore 138,815 million ISK in 2014 but the surplus in 2013 was 145,802 million ISK at current exchange rates.

The surplus of transport was 129,302 million ISK and the surplus of travel was 44,803 in 2014. However, there was a deficit of other business service of 66,612 million ISK in 2014.

Figures for financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM) have been revised back to 2011. The revision for 2013-2014 is published in external trade in services but 2011-2012 in the transition table. The transition table has been updated simultaneously to this publication. Additionally to the revision of FISIM, figures on smuggling have been updated in the transition table.

Figures of external trade in services for 2014 by detailed classification and by partner countries will be published on 1 September 2015.

External Trade in Services 2014          
  Total 1st quarter 2014 2nd quarter 2014 3rd quarter 2014 4th quarter 2014
Value in million ISK          
Export of services 499,168.2 93,233.3 121,898.2 173,137.8 110,898.8
1. Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 25,523.9 5,412.0 5,435.8 7,224.3 7,451.9
2. Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. 4,679.3 961.1 1,131.4 1,233.4 1,353.5
3. Transport 189,397.4 38,164.8 47,498.6 65,119.1 38,614.9
4. Travel 158,526.4 23,820.7 40,599.8 66,902.8 27,203.1
5. Construction 3,045.1 1,241.0 1,009.5 361.4 433.1
6. Insurance and pension services 2,739.0 646.6 639.8 748.2 704.4
7. Financial services 19,351.0 4,784.8 4,854.9 4,706.6 5,004.8
8. Charges for the use of intellectual property 19,290.8 1,361.8 2,518.5 8,827.7 6,582.9
9. Telecommunications, computer and information services 23,958.1 5,539.4 6,047.5 5,620.4 6,750.8
10. Other business services 43,383.9 9,282.5 9,441.1 9,832.1 14,828.2
11. Personal, cultural and recreational services 6,669.2 1,473.3 2,076.7 1,860.7 1,258.5
12. Government goods and services n.i.e. 2,603.9 545.3 644.6 701.4 712.6
Import of services 360,353.3 77,606.8 89,225.5 94,402.6 99,118.4
1. Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2. Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. 17,038.0 4,394.5 4,089.0 4,592.3 3,962.2
3. Transport 60,095.7 13,398.4 13,722.9 17,530.6 15,443.8
4. Travel 113,723.8 21,377.5 29,680.9 30,959.5 31,705.9
5. Construction 1,120.8 285.3 229.0 346.3 260.1
6. Insurance and pension services 4,498.0 1,375.9 1,005.0 1,062.2 1,054.8
7. Financial services 13,930.8 3,813.7 3,619.1 3,150.0 3,348.0
8. Charges for the use of intellectual property 12,974.3 2,500.6 3,109.8 3,526.5 3,837.5
9. Telecommunications, computer and information services 19,322.6 5,121.1 4,724.7 4,080.9 5,396.0
10. Other business services 109,996.2 23,448.5 26,854.2 27,540.7 32,152.7
11. Personal, cultural and recreational services 5,102.7 1,136.4 1,505.6 1,197.2 1,263.5
12. Government goods and services n.i.e. 2,550.4 754.8 685.3 416.4 693.8
Balance of trade in services 138,814.8 15,626.5 32,672.8 78,735.2 11,780.4
1. Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 25,523.9 5,412.0 5,435.8 7,224.3 7,451.9
2. Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. -12,358.6 -3,433.4 -2,957.6 -3,359.0 -2,608.7
3. Transport 129,301.7 24,766.4 33,775.7 47,588.4 23,171.1
4. Travel 44,802.5 2,443.2 10,919.0 35,943.3 -4,502.9
5. Construction 1,924.3 955.7 780.5 15.1 173.0
6. Insurance and pension services -1,759.0 -729.3 -365.3 -314.0 -350.4
7. Financial services 5,420.3 971.1 1,235.8 1,556.6 1,656.7
8. Charges for the use of intellectual property 6,316.5 -1,138.8 -591.3 5,301.2 2,745.4
9. Telecommunications, computer and information services 4,635.5 418.3 1,322.9 1,539.5 1,354.9
10. Other business services -66,612.3 -14,166.1 -17,413.1 -17,708.7 -17,324.5
11. Personal, cultural and recreational services 1,566.5 336.9 571.1 663.6 -5.1
12. Government goods and services n.i.e. 53.5 -209.6 -40.7 284.9 18.9


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