The final data for the year 2016 will be published tomorrow, 15 June. At the same time the tables of trade in goods on the web site will be changed, except the tables of trade by Customs tariff numbers (HS), which for now will have the same structure as before. Instead of 38 tables before, 17 tables will be published now. Thereof 10 tables will be updated in the monthly publication and 7 updated yearly, when the final data for last year is published.

All the 10 tables will both include yearly data and monthly data, which can be selected. Also in general, each table includes more variables to choose from. As an example is the table of exports and imports by broad economic categories (BEC), countries and market areas. There the user can make a selection of imports and/or exports, classification and/or by countries. It will therefore be easier to find data for individual countries for certain classifications. Please note that for variable marked *, at least one value needs to be selected, however if a variable has no *, it is not necessary to select that variable.

SITC classification has separate tables for exports and imports and as in the past, the Icelandic classifications SI classification by commodities and classification by brances of processing are only available for exports.

The market areas has been changed from the European economic area (EEA) to European Union (EU). This change is according to users requests.

Monthly table for preliminary data for each month has not changed.

A correlation table listing the changes follows this press release.

Comments can be sent to the e-mail

Table Name Frequency
1 Trade in goods, preliminary figures of current month Monthly
2 Exports, imports and balance of trade 2010-2017 Monthly
3 Exports and imports by countries 2010-2017 Monthly
4 Exports and imports classified on fob value 2010-2017 Monthly
5 Exports and imports by BEC and countries 2010-2017 Monthly
6 Breakdown of trade in goods by countries and currencies 1999-2016 Yearly
7 Exports by commodities (SI classification) and countries 2010-2017 Monthly
8 Exports by branches of processing and countries 2010-2017 Monthly
9 Exports by commodities (SI classification) and branches of processing 2002-2016 Yearly
10 Exports by branches of processing and commodities (SI classification) 2002-2016 Yearly
11 Exports by some major commodities (SI classification) 1840-2015 Yearly
12 Exports of fresh fish by mode of transport 1988-2016 Yearly
13 Exports by SITC1 and 2, Rev. 4 and countries 2010-2017 Monthly
14 Exports by SITC3, Rev. 4 1999-2016 Yearly
15 Imports by SITC1 and 2, Rev. 4 and countries 2010-2017 Monthly
16 Imports by SITC3, Rev. 4 1999-2016 Yearly
17 Imports by some major items by countries 2010-2017 Monthly

Further Information

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