The total value of exports of services in January 2023 is estimated at 52.8 billion ISK, increasing by 52% compared with January 2022, at current rates of exchange. The total exported value of travel in January is estimated at 21.1 billion ISK, and more than doubled compared with the same month last year. The exported value of transport services is estimated at 14.4 billion ISK in January, having increased by 42% compared with January 2022. The value of exports of other services was estimated at 17.3 billion ISK in January, increasing by 16% compared with the same month the year before.

The total value of imports of services in January is estimated to have been at 45.1 billion ISK and increased by 34% from January 2022, at current rates of exchange. The total imported value of travel in January is estimated at 15.8 billion ISK and to have increased by 62% compared with the same month the year before. Imported value of transport services in January is estimated at 8.2 billion ISK, having increased by 30% compared with January 2022, while the value of imports of other services is estimated to have been at 21 billion ISK in January, increasing by 20% compared with January the year before. In total, a surplus of 7.8 billion ISK was recorded in January.

For the period February 2022 to January 2023, the total value of exports of services is estimated at 756.2 billion ISK, an increase of 64% compared with the 12 months prior, at current rates of exchange. The value for imports of services for the same period is estimated at 563.1 billion ISK, having increased by 48% compared with the same period the year before.

The value of exported goods in BOP* is estimated at 79.3 billion ISK in January 2023 and the value of imported goods is estimated at 86.1 billion ISK. Therefore, a deficit in balance of trade in goods in BOP is estimated at 6.7 billion ISK. Total export of trade in goods and services is estimated at 132.2 billion ISK in January 2023, increasing by 19% compared with the same month the previous year. Moreover, total imports of trade in goods and services is estimated at 131.1 billion ISK in the same period, having increased by 19% compared with the same month the previous year. Therefore, the surplus in balance of trade in goods and services is estimated at 1 billion ISK in January compared with a surplus of 1.1 billion ISK for the same month in 2022.

The value of exports of trade in goods and services is estimated at 1,765.3 billion ISK in the 12-month period February 2022 to January 2023 and to have increased by 41% compared with the previous 12 months. For the same period, estimated import of trade in goods and services was 1,792.9 billion ISK and increased by 36%. Therefore, the deficit in balance of trade in goods and services is estimated at 27.6 billion ISK in that 12-month period compared with a deficit of 62.9 billion ISK for the previous 12 months.

*According to Balance of Payments (BOP) and National Accounts (NA) standards.

Trade in goods and services
Trade in services

Further Information

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