In 2013, export of services was 482,704 million ISK and the import of services 334,878 million ISK. Therefore, the services trade surplus for the year 2013 was 147,826 million ISK. Transportation was the largest category of exports as the year before, accounting for 190,479 million ISK or 39.5% of total exports of services. Travel was the second largest category of exports, 131,556 million ISK or 27.3% of total exports of services in 2013.

In 2013, the largest category of imports was travel, 103,452 million ISK or 30,9% of total imports of services. Next in line with travel came other business services (the largest category operational leasing services), 98,972 million ISK or 29.6 % of total imports. Third largest category was transport, 59,813 million ISK or 17.9% of total imports of services in 2013.

There was a surplus of 130,666 million ISK of transportation and 28,104 million ISK of travel, but there was a 60,714 million ISK deficit of other business services.

EU was the largest trading partner in 2013, both with regards to exports and imports of services. 43.9% of total exports of services were sold to EU and 62.9% of total imports of services were bought from EU. There was a trade surplus with EU of 1,16 million ISK. The three largest trading countries in both exports and imports of services were USA, Denmark and The United Kingdom.

More detailed categorization of trade in services by EBOPS classification and by countries is available on Statistics Iceland website. New standards for trade in services (MSITS 2010) have been implemented for these figures of trade in services for 2013.

Changes due to the new standards for trade in services are as follows:

  • Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM) are added to trade in services. Exports increases by 11,823 million ISK and imports increases by 5,986 million ISK in 2013.
  • Manufacturing services are added to trade in services. Exports increases by 50,482 million ISK in 2013.
  • Merchanting services are no longer included in trade in services but have been added to trade in goods in the balance of payments. Exports decreases by 13,424 million ISK in 2013.
  • Purchases of fuel abroad by national vessels and aircraft are no longer included in trade in services but have been added to trade in goods. Imports decreases by 29,126 million ISK in 2013.

Simultaneously to this publication a transition table has been published on Statistics Iceland website explaining the changes for both trade in goods and trade in services back to 1995. The transition table will hereafter be updated at the same time as the results of trade in services are published.

Trade in services 2013 by EBOPS classification
  Exports % Imports % Balance
Value in million ISK          
Total 482,704.4 100.0 334,878.3 100.0 147,826.1
1. Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 50,481.9 10.5 0.0 0.0 50,481.9
2. Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. 4,636.2 1.0 19,218.4 5.7 -14,582.2
3. Transport 190,478.6 39.5 59,812.5 17.9 130,666.1
4. Travel 131,556.2 27.3 103,452.5 30.9 28,103.7
5. Construction 4,205.9 0.9 1,131.3 0.3 3,074.6
6. Insurance and pension services 3,599.2 0.7 6,381.0 1.9 -2,781.8
7. Financial services 16,381.1 3.4 9,812.8 2.9 6,568.2
8. Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. 11,089.9 2.3 9,501.9 2.8 1,588.0
9. Telecommunications, computer and information services 24,210.4 5.0 19,788.5 5.9 4,421.9
10. Other business services 38,257.2 7.9 98,971.6 29.6 -60,714.4
11. Personal, cultural and recreational services 5,346.3 1.1 4,650.2 1.4 696.1
12. Government goods and services n.i.e. 2,461.5 0.5 2,157.6 0.6 303.9

Trade in services 2013 by market areas
  Exports % Imports % Balance
Value in million ISK          
World 482,704.4 100.0 334,878.3 100.0 147,826.1
EU 211,738.1 43.9 210,577.4 62.9 1,160.6
EFTA 66,064.3 13.7 22,894.7 6.8 43,169.6
Other European countries 12,082.1 2.5 5,472.8 1.6 6,609.4
USA 69,435.2 14.4 65,096.4 19.4 4,338.8
Canada 14,207.6 2.9 4,159.2 1.2 10,048.4
Other countries 93,502.3 19.4 20,373.4 6.1 73,128.9
Not specified by countries 15,674.9 3.2 6,304.5 1.9 9,370.4


New international statndards for economic statistics


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