Please note that this press release was corrected 31 August 2023 at 14:00. The increase in export during 2019-2022 amounted to a total of 7.2 billion ISK instead of 2.7 billion ISK as previously stated.

The value of exported goods amounted to 63.0 billion ISK fob in July 2023 (63.1 billion ISK according to preliminary figures) and the value of imported goods was 109.7 billion ISK cif (108.0 billion). The goods trade deficit in July was therefore 46.7 billion ISK (44.9 billion ISK).

Export figures for the years 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 were updated due to new data received by Statistics Iceland. The increase in exports amounted to a total of 7.2 billion ISK for these four years. First and foremost, it concerns the export of pelagic fish. The import figures for the years 2022 and 2023 were also updated, but according to new data, imports increased by 1.4 billion ISK for the year 2022 and by 7 billion ISK for the year 2023. First of all, it concerns the import of fuel.


Further Information

For further information please contact 5281152 , email


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