The Icelandic catch amounted to almost 70 thousand tonnes in February 2025, which is 3% more than in February 2024. There was a 5% decrease in demersal fish catch, while pelagic catch increased by 16%.

Of demersal fish, cod was the most commonly landed, almost 22 thousand tonnes, which is 4% less than in February last year. Of pelagic catch, blue whiting was the most commonly landed, or just over 23 thousand tonnes, which is 14% less than last year. Just over 4 thousand tonnes of capelin were landed in February 2025, but no capelin fishing was permitted last year.

In the period March 2024 to February 2025, a total of 987 thousand tonnes were landed, which is 23% less catch than in the same period a year earlier. This is mostly due to the lack of the capelin fishing in the winter of 2024.

Information about catch of fish which are published in this press release are preliminary figures. The data is gathered by the Directorate of Fisheries.


Further Information

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