In 2014 the world catch was 96.9 million tonnes, 696 thousand tonnes more than the year before, according to FAO data. Most of the catch was in the Pacific Ocean. The most caught species is the Alaska pollock. The second most caught species is Peruvian anchovy (Anchoveta). The largest part of the world catch was caught in Asian territories; second most in the American continents and Europe was third. China fished most in 2014. Norway caught most of all European countries and is in 11th place on world basis. Iceland was in third place of European countries, and is in the 20th place of all countries regarding quantity of catch in tonnes with 1.11% of the world catch.

World catch by major species      
  2013 2014 %
World catch 96,239,506 96,935,820     0.7    
Alaska pollock 3,239,296 3,214,422 -   0.8    
Anchoveta 5,674,036 3,140,029 - 44.7    
Skipjack tuna 2,974,189 3,058,608     2.8    
Chub mackerel 1,655,132 1,829,833    10.6    
Atlantic herring 1,817,333 1,631,181 - 10.2    
Yellowfin tuna 1,313,424 1,466,606    11.7    
Atlantic mackerel 981,998 1,420,744    44.7    
Japanese anchovy 1,329,311 1,396,312     5.0    
Atlantic cod 1,359,399 1,373,460     1.0    
Largehead hairtail 1,258,413 1,260,824     0.2    


Further Information

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