The total catch of Icelandic vessels increased by 5.5% in August 2014 over that of August 2013. When a 12 month period from September 2013 to August 2014  is compared to the same period one year earlier there is a 33% decrease in pelagic catch. At constant price the August catch was 11.7% higher than in the same month 2013, while the fixed price rate between the period September 2013 to August 2014 is 5.0% lower than for the same time period one year earlier.

Fish catch            
August   September - August  
  2013 2014 % 2012-2013 2013-2014 %
Fish catch at constant prices1
Index 80.4 89.8 11.7 89.4 84.9 -5.0
Fish catch in tonnes2
Total catch 97,936.2 103,342.7 5.5 1,368,992.7 1,080,329.1 -21.1
Demersal catch 16,525.4 20,304.3 22.9 438,163.7 448,208.2 2.3
  Cod 9,028.8 11,001.1 21.8 225,755.3 242,830.6 7.6
  Haddock 1,660.6 1,625.3 -2.1 42,912.6 41,909.5 -2.3
  Saithe 1,843.8 3,127.5 69.6 51,617.8 54,022.3 4.7
  Redfish 2,581.5 2,991.4 15.9 57,404.2 61,893.8 7.8
  Other demersal catch 1,410.8 1,559.1 10.5 60,473.8 47,551.9 -21.4
Flatfish 909.6 560.9 -38.3 24,199.3 21,612.4 -10.7
Pelagic catch 80,061.6 81,577.5 1.9 891,930.2 598,811.8 -32.9
  Herring 22,048.0 10,528.0 -52.2 182,583.0 149,778.0 -18.0
  Capelin 0.0 0.0 0.0 463,279.0 111,367.0 -76.0
  Blue whiting 2,174.0 960.0 -55.8 103,916.0 174,237.0 67.7
  Mackerel 55,837.1 70,064.6 25.5 142,136.3 163,395.3 15.0
  Other pelagic catch 2.5 24.9 886.5 15.9 34.5 117.2
Shellfish 429.3 896.7 108.9 14,631.2 11,686.5 -20.1
Other species 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.4 10.2 -85.1

¹The volume index is an annual chain-linked  index, having the monthly average of 2004 as a reference period. The base year each time is the last fishing year which is from September in year T-2 to August in year T-1.
2Information about catch of fish which are published in this press release are preliminary figures. The data is gathered by the Directorate of Fisheries. 



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