Live births in Iceland were 4,375 in 2014. The number of boys was 2,233 and girls 2,142 or 1,042 boys for every 1,000 girls. There is small increase in the number of births from the previous year when 4,326 children were born. The total fertility rate in 2014 was 1.93, or the same as in 2013. The total fertility rate peaked during the late 1950s and early 1960s, was 4.27 in 1960 and 4.24 in 1959.
Most births in Reykjavik
The majority of new born children were registered with domicile in Reykjavik (1,714), Kópavogur (453) and Hafnarfjörður (380). Most births in 2014 occurred in the month of July (435) and fewest in December and April (323). In 2013, most children were born in August (402) and fewest in December (329).
Age-specific fertility rate
The age of mothers at the birth of a child has increased in recent decades. The mean age of primparas in 2014 was 27.3 years, compared with less than 22 years in the 1970s. The mean age of mothers was 30 years in 2014. Age-specific fertility rate is highest in the age groups 25-29. Women in that age group had 122.8 children per 1,000 women in 2014.
One third born to parents in wedlock
Two thirds of the children born in 2014 were born out of wedlock. However, the majority of children were born to parents in a consensual union (53.4%), while 17.0% were born to parents who were not living together. A third (29.5%) was born to married couples. The share of extramarital births is considerably higher in the case of first-borns than with children of a higher birth order.
Children born in Iceland but domiciled abroad are not included and children born outside Iceland but domiciled in Iceland (51 children in 2014) are included.