It is estimated that approximately 8.1% of the Icelandic population 16-66 years old received disability pension in 2017 which is equivalent to almost 17,900 persons. Of those, around 12,400 were inactive, or 69.4%, 28.5% were in employment and about 400 persons unemployed, or 2.1%. Therefore, the activity rate for persons receiving disability pension was 30.6%.
When examining the status of disability pensioners in the labour market, it can be seen that out of the 12,400 who were outside the labour force or inactive, 20.8% were available to work but not seeking job but only 0.6% were seeking job but not available within two weeks.
Of those receiving a disability pension, 2.1% are defined as unemployed. But since the unemployment rate is calculated on the basis of everyone in the labour force, the unemployment rate among them was somewhat higher, or 6.9%.
Disability pensioners in employment were on average 5,100 in 2017. Of these, 62.4% were employed part-time and 37.6% were employed full-time.
In year 2017, about 8,900 persons, or 4.0%, claimed to be disabled when asked for their labour market position (main status) in the Icelandic Labour Force Survey. Of these, about 8,400 (94.7%) received disability pension according to tax registers. Most disability pensioners define themselves as having disability, or 47.0%. Second largest group define themselves as employed, or 23.1% of disability pensioners. The third largest group defines themselves as ill or temporarily incapacitated, or 18.3%.
About the data:
Figures on the number of disability pensioners are based on tax data. Other figures are from the Icelandic Labour Force Survey.