An ESS peer review was conducted at Statistics Iceland 3-6 September 2013. A peer review is an evaluation of official statistics in the EC member states and the EFTA countries and is carried out by peer reviewers who visit NSIs in each country and interview executives, employees and users of statistics. The review is in three phases: NSIs answer a self-assessment questionnaire, the peer review team examines the answers and finally the respective NSI is visited.

The peer review report on Statistics Iceland is published here with the evaluation results; comprising 24 recommendations for improvement. Statistics Iceland has already made proposals for improvement actions and the following reform programme shows which measures are planned and when they shall be concluded. The improvement actions are intended to enhance the quality of statistics, increase communication with users and further aim at full compliance with the European Statistics Code of Practice. Statistics Iceland thanks all those who took part in the evaluation.

Peer review report (Iceland) and Statistics Iceland’s improvement action plan - Statistical Series

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