The Icelandic Income database has been updated with data from the year 2022. The database was built at the initiative of the Prime Minister’s Office with data from Statistics Iceland and first published in 2019.

The Icelandic Income Database shows the development of the disposable income, assets and debts of the citizens as well as the total income of the sexes according to education, age, residence and marital status. All amounts in the income history are at fixed prices for the year 2022. Statistics Iceland is responsible for updating the income history.

Analytica created and updates the underlying disposable income model, and Metadata handles the data setup and web programming.

Among the information that can be seen on the web are:

  • In 2022, the combined disposable income without capital income for married couples or cohabiting persons aged 25-64 with 1-2 children in the country was 1.1 million ISK per month.

  • The combined pension fund income of couples or cohabitants aged 68 or older increased in 2022 and has never been higher in real terms. This applies regardless of whether the person also accepted payments from the Social Insurance Administration or not.

  • People's equity situation improved in 2022 but is generally considerably better in the Capital region than for people living in the countryside.

  • The total income of cohabiting men was 37% higher than that of single men and the total income of cohabiting women was 19% higher than that of single women.

Icelandic Income Database

Further Information

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