The net financial worth of Iceland’s domestic sectors was negative by ISK 531 billion at the end of year 2017, but was negative by ISK 1,261 billion in the previous year. The total financial liabilities decreased by 2.6%, and stood at ISK 28,002 billion or 1,071% of GDP year-end 2017. Financial assets decreased by 0.02% and stood at ISK 27,470 billion, accounting for 1,050% of GDP at the end of 2017.
Total financial assets and liabilities of non-financial corporations registered a 0.9% and 3% decrease between 2016 and 2017, respectively.
Asset holdings of the financial corporations sector decreased by 3.8% and their liabilities by 3% between the years.
The general government financial assets and liabilities stock stood at ISK 1,512 billion (58% of GDP) and ISK 2,014 billion (77% of GDP), respectively, at the end of 2017.
The total financial assets of the households sector stood at ISK 6,106.2 billion and liabilities at ISK 2,015.1 billion at the end of 2017. Household assets increased by roughly 7.6% while liabilities decreased by almost 4.4% between 2016 and 2017.
The financial assets of rest of the world against Iceland stood at ISK 3,997 billion and liabilities at ISK 3,457 billion, or 153% of GDP and 132% of GDP, respectively, in 2017. These figures declined, in their asset holding by 22% and liabilities by roughly 11% between 2016 and 2017.
Financial accounts - Statistical Series