Please note that this press release was corrected 1 June 2017 at 09:00
Gross savings of all the domestic sectors grew by 116 billion ISK between 2014 and 2015. Total investment of the domestic sectors amounted to 19% of GDP in the year 2015. Gross savings of the household sector amounted to almost 7% of disposable income of the sector in 2015, compared with 4% in 2014. Gross fixed capital formation from households amounted to 5% of their disposable income in 2015 and nearly 6% the year before. Gross fixed capital formation of corporations amounted to 13% of GDP in 2015 compared to 11% in 2014. The gross profit share of non-financial institutions rose by one percentage point between years and amounted to 41% in 2015.
Statistics Iceland publishes now the sector accounts data for 2015. The figures published here do not present a new assessment of the overall GDP or other major components of the National Accounts for Iceland. Instead the focus is on dividing the totals between different sectors, as well as more detailed analysis of major transfers and flows between sectors.