The CPI compiled in April 2005 is 242.0 points (May 1988=100), 0.21% higher than in the previous month. The CPI less housing cost is 228.3 points, 0.48% lower than in March.

Housing prices rose by 3.8% (effect on the CPI 0.58%) and prices of clothing and footwear rose by 2.7% (0.14%).

Groceries' prices fell by 2.5% (-0.41%) owing to an active price competition in the retail market. 

The CPI in April 2005 is 4.3% higher than in April 2004 and the CPI less housing cost is 1.1% higher. The CPI rose by 1.2% over the last three months equivalent to an annual inflation of 4.8% (CPI less housing cost 1.6% deflation). 

The credit term index in May 2005 is 242.0 points. The old credit term index is 4,778 points in May 2005.

The CPI has been rebased and a brief memo explaining the main changes is attached.

From now on the sub-indices for the CPI will be available on our web site with full decimals. For using such a dataset an access to PC-Axis is necessary. It can be downloaded (free of charge) here.



Further Information

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