The CPI based on prices in July is 379.9 points (May 1988=100), 0.11% higher than in the previous month. The CPI less housing cost is 359.9 points, 0.22% lower than in June.

Summer sales are widely ongoing causing a decrease in prices of clothing and footwear by 9.4% (effect on the index -0.56%).

Cost of owner occupied housing increased by 1.2% (0.15%), thereof the effect of higher market prices was 0.17% and the effect of lower real interest rates -0.02%. Prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages rose by 0.7% (0.10%).

The CPI is 5.0% higher in July 2011 than in July 2010 and the CPI less housing cost is 4.7% higher than one year ago. Over the last three months, the CPI has increased by 1.6%, equivalent to an annual inflation rate of 6.3% (4.2% inflation for the CPI less housing cost).

Consumer price index by economic categories 2011
Subindices March 1997=100 Change in the last 12 months
Effect on the index
  June July %
Consumer Price Index 212,6 212,8 5,0 5,0
Domestic goods and vegetables 188,6 189,7 6,1 0,8
Agricultural products 174,7 175,0 8,3 0,5
Domestic goods less agricultural products 199,3 201,0 4,5 0,3
Imported goods 192,9 190,8 4,2 1,6
Imported goods less, alcohol and tobacco 186,3 184,0 4,3 1,5
Groceries (perishable items) 188,6 190,1 4,1 0,7

The Icelandic consumer price index 2010-2011
May 1988 = 100 Annualized rates
Monthly index Monthly changes Latest month Latest 3 months Latest 6 months Latest 12 months
July 361,7 -0,7 -7,6 -2,3 2,8 4,8
August 362,6 0,2 3,0 -2,9 0,9 4,5
September 362,6 0,0 0,0 -1,6 -0,2 3,7
October 365,3 0,7 9,3 4,0 0,8 3,3
November 365,5 0,1 0,7 3,2 0,1 2,6
December 366,7 0,3 4,0 4,6 1,4 2,5
January 363,4 -0,9 -10,3 -2,1 0,9 1,8
February 367,7 1,2 15,2 2,4 2,8 1,9
March 371,2 1,0 12,0 5,0 4,8 2,3
April 374,1 0,8 9,8 12,3 4,9 2,8
May 377,6 0,9 11,8 11,2 6,7 3,4
June 379,5 0,5 6,2 9,2 7,1 4,2
July 379,9 0,1 1,3 6,3 9,3 5,0
Percentage changes, not seasonally adjusted.


Further Information

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