The Producer Price Index (PPI) for the first quarter of 2005 is 96.9 points, 3.4% lower than in the previous quarter. The PPI for fish products is 94.8 points, 4.2% lower than in the previous quarter. The PPI for other manufacturing products is 98.5 points, 2.9% lower than in the previous quarter¹. 

The PPI for the first quarter of 2005 is compiled using new weights based on the total industrial production of Icelandic companies in 2003, as measured in the annual PRODCOM survey  (see Statistics Icleand  - Manufacturing )2.  From the first quarter of 2004 the index has been compiled using weights based on the total industrial production of Icelandic companies in 2002.  The weights are updated annually according to the newest available information on industrial production.  Updating the weights changes the effect individual price changes have on the index but does not in itself change the index value. 

  1. All calculations are based on numbers with full decimals.  This can result in discrepancies in published data.
  2. The PPI covers NACE Rev. 1 (ÍSAT95) sections C and D with the exception of groups 22.1, 35.1  and  35.3.


Further Information

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