The at-risk-of-poverty rate in Iceland was 9.3% in 2013. Those who have disposable household income below 60% of the median value are considered to be at risk of poverty. The rate has been rather stable around 10% since the year 2004 when the European survey of income and living conditions was first conducted in Iceland. When broken down by household type the highest at-risk-of-poverty rate was measured among single parents, just over 27%. Men who live alone were at a higher risk of poverty, just over 23%, than women who live alone (9%). Tenants were at higher risk of poverty than home owners or 22.4% versus 5.8%.
Notes: CI (95%) 2013: One female ±3.8, one male ±5.8 and single parent ±7.5.
Income distribution in Iceland has changed slightly since the year 2011. The highest income quintile has 3.3 times higher income than the lowest income quintile. The biggest difference was in 2009 when the highest quintile had 4.2 times the income of the lowest quintile.
Purchasing power increased between years after a decrease since the year 2009. Purchasing power has developed in a similar way for all income quintiles. The highest income quintile lost more purchasing power than the other groups between the years 2009 and 2011.
Risk of poverty and income distribution – Statistical Series
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