The median individual in Iceland spent 16,8% of his disposable income on housing costs in 2013. The housing cost burden has remained relatively stable for the population overall since 2006. However, there have been substantial changes for people depending on their tenure status. The housing cost burden rose for tenants but fell for owner occupiers.
The proportion of people spending 40% or more of their disposable incomes on housing costs, i.e. the overburden rate, fell from 2006 onwards and was 8,8% in 2013. There are, however, important differences between groups. The overburden rate rose among tenants but fell among owner occupiers, rose among households composed of a single adult with children but fell among the households of two adults with two children, rose among people under 30 but fell for all other age-groups. The overburden rate was also much higher for people in the bottom quintile of the income distribution than among those with higher incomes.
In 2012 the housing cost burden and the overburden rate in Iceland were near the EU average.
The housing cost burden 2004-2013 - Statistical Series