A total of 4,783 persons with disabilities received services from 15 municipal service areas in 2013, an increase of 523 (12.3%) from the previous year. Of these were 1,910 children 17 years old or younger (39.9%), more males than females or 62%, in the 0–17 year age group the proportion of boys was nearly 73%. In the age group 18–39 years males were little more than 61%. On the other hand in the age group 67 years and older females were 67%. People receiving services were 1.5% of the population, 2.4% of all children and 0.7% of the population 67 years or older. In the year 2013, 1.07 individuals with disabilities lived in collective living quarters, nearly 23% and 2,306 lived with parents or relatives, around 49%.
In the year 2013 personal service agreements and/or individual service plans had been made with 814 (17.6%) individuals with disabilities. There of were service agreements with 613 (12.8%) and service plans with 384 (8.0%). Individuals with service agreements or plans of this type had nearly douled from the year before.
Considering the number of service items and quantity of service that persons with disabilities, 18 years or older, received in the year 2013 a total of 2,015 (70.2%) received one or more service item. A total of 389 individuals (29.6%) received three or more service items in the year 2013.
Municipal services to persons with disabilities 2013 - Statistical Series
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