Roughly 96 thousand passengers arrived at Keflavik airport in March and their number decreased by 55% compared to the same month last year when there were 213 thousand passengers departing. The number of Icelandic passengers decreased by 64% during the same period, from 43 thousand to 16 thousand, while the number of foreign passengers decreased by 53%, from 170 thousand to 80 thousand.

In March there was a substantial decrease in overnight stays. According to preliminary numbers there were 181 thousand overnight stays in hotels in March which is 53% less than in the same month last year. The bed usage rate was 25.3% compared to 56.8% in the same month last year.

Traffic on the ring road during March decreased by a third when compared to the same month last year. According to traffic counters located on the ring road the traffic reduced by 31% in south and west Iceland, 33% in east Iceland and 36% in north Iceland.

This release includes updated statistics on overnight stays along with statistics on rental cars from the Icelandic Transport Authority, traffic statistics from the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration, a count from the Icelandic Tourist Board on passengers going through Keflavik airport and traffic statistics for Keflavik Airport.

Tourism short-term indicators February  March - February 
Overnight stays120192020 %2018-20192019-2020%
Total overnight stays649071566448-13%1083878210392054-4%
Hotels and guesthouses410981386926-6%582138458017430%
Airbnb and similar sites11800067000-43%18120001526000-16%
Other types of unpaid accommodation11600011000-31%512000445500-13%
Other types of listed accommodation104090101522-2%26933982618811-3%
  February  March - February 
Occupancy rate of hotel rooms20192020 %2018-20192019-2020 %
Total overnight stays in hotels350348336027-4%445168845382602%
Available hotel rooms10291109146%1212941307688%
Occupancy rate67%60%-767%64%-3
  Q4  Q1-Q4 
Balance of trade in services (million ISK)20182019 %2017-20182018-2019 %
Revenue from non-Icelandic tourists10296188554-14%519369469866-10%
- Passenger flights3483926831-23%182103139189-24%
- Consumption6812161724-9%337267330677-2%
  November - December  January - December 
VAT turnover (million ISK)220182019 %20182019 %
Total turnover9028083114-8%682326615606-10%
- Accommodation3287331177-5%288059228344-21%
- Passenger flights (international)1330911501-14%10176698686-3%
- Catering and services1649116291-1%100150999860%
- Travel agents and planners (abroad)75776550-14%5138048078-6%
- Travel agents and planners (in Iceland)19961686-16%1688116151-4%
- Car rentals1397112361-12%95641973452%
- Passenger transport on land37283267-12%2308121773-6%
- Passenger water transport334281-16%53705241-2%
  January Average employees February - January
Employees320192020 %2018-20192019-2020 %
Total employees in key tourism sectors2610023300-11%29017270007%
- Passenger flights50003800-24%5358435023%
- Accommodation58005600-5%699268582%
- Catering and services99009000-9%10683100007%
- Travel agents and planners36003200-10%389238002%
- Other tourism sectors25002300-7%281726178%
  March  Average April - March 
Rental cars420192020 %2018-20192019-2020 %
Total rental cars2424922414-8%2544624224-5%
Rental cars (active)2176318361-16%2360222354-5%
Rental cars (inactive)2486405363%184418701%
  March  April - March 
Traffic on ring road520192020 %2018-20192019-2020 %
South Iceland129138865-31%180484171941-5%
West Iceland121658410-31%1668871677040%
North Iceland63164054-36%103606100058-3%
East Iceland16201087-33%2768826490-4%
  March  April - March 
Passenger count to and from Iceland20192020 % 2018-20192019-2020 %
Total Passengers621344895611-55%29499212436924-17%
- Foreign nationality17017779873-53%22934531861709-19%
- Icelandic nationality4327115738-64%656468575214-12%
  March  April - March 
Traffic statistics - Keflavik Airport20192020 %2018-20192019-2020 %
Total movements (departures/landings)73405344-27%9652381553-16%
Total passenger movements7586873219162-63%96476366605725-32%
- Departures21490695486-56%29379282445774-17%
- Arrivals21111887468-59%29235702435970-17%
- Exchange passengers (counted twice)15927936208-77%37826061717640-55%

Table in a pdf

1 Other accommodations are camping sites, youth hostels, holiday centres, lodges in wilderness, apartments, sleeping-bag facilities and private-home accommodation. Other unpaid accommodation includes overnight stays in cars, tents or caravans outside campsites and indoor accommodation where no payment was made.
2 Travel agencies (abroad): Services in connection with trips abroad, i.e. with zero VAT-rate according to paragraph 12 of the VAT-law (Act 50/1988). Travel agencies (in Iceland): Services in connection with trips in Iceland, i.e. not with zero VAT-rate according to paragraph 12 of the VAT-law (Act 50/1988).
3 Numbers rounded to the nearest hundred.
4 According to data from Icelandic transport authority.
5 According to numbers from 14 counters on the ring road from Icelandic Road Administration. Monthly numbers show the average count each month. 12 month rolling period specifies the total count during the period. Data is used from 14 counters located on the ring road.
6 According to numbers from Icelandic Tourist Board.
7 Total passenger movements count departures, arrivals and connecting passengers which are counted twice.

Tourism indicators
Balance of trade and services
Revenue from foreign travelers

Further Information

For further information please contact 528 1000 , email


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